Chapter One

Bad Intentions: A Blasian Romance Novel (Sequel to Bad Grades)
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    Cornelius Johnson, Dean of Admissions, was still talking despite the fact that Jung In wasn’t paying attention. He had every intention of joining the conversation at hand, but the very moment he’d peered through the row of thick-paned windows, he was swept away by emotion. Fall colors danced beyond the tinted glass; leaves fluttering like feathers onto the evergreen lawn where they were immediately trampled by students bustling their way into the building. Syracuse was beautiful in autumn, colorful and flamboyant, reminding him instantly of his childhood home in Korea. But instead of the fragrant pine and elm that lined the crowded streets of Seoul, Northern white cedar and sugar maple flourished, stretching their limbs against the Monday morning sky. He rested his chin in the palm of his hand, dark lashes fanning his cheeks as he inhaled deeply. Was this what freedom felt like? When was the last time he stopped to enjoy the beauty of seasons changing? When was the last time he’d been allowed outside without an armed ? He wondered, unable to resist the beckoning of his own dark thoughts, if he would ever get back the time he’d lost while he was a captive of Paragon Genetic Solutions. While he was Edward Chang’s personal attack dog. His slave.

    “I apologize on behalf of my nephew. He hasn’t had a very easy time adjusting to life in the United States, but he is anxious to resume his studies,” his uncle, Kang In Ho, said from beside him, his familiar voice drawing him out of his reverie. He risked a glance at the Dean, a pot-bellied, silver-haired man in his early sixties. The man laughed, shuffling a stack of papers before settling them on the mahogany desk before him.

    “I certainly understand. It has to be difficult, being uprooted from your country so abruptly and suddenly having to start a new life somewhere foreign. We’ll take great care of him here at Northshore University, just like we take care of all our students. I’m just happy to see that he has a caring support system. It’s not often we have family members taking such an interest in the academic careers of our adult students,” he said. In Ho smiled. 

    “Well, my nephew is a very special young man. And this is a very special predicament.” 

    “Of course, of course! I am fully aware of the circumstances and I want you to put your full faith in me and this institution in regards to your nephew. That being said, I believe we’re all finished here. His classes and housing are all taken care of. The only thing left is for him to choose the hospital he’d like to start his Residency at,” he said, pausing to glance over at Jung In who still hadn’t met his eye. “Do you have any idea which–?”

    “Fairview Medical Center,” he said, cutting him off and receiving strange looks from both of the older males in the room. Jung In faced the Dean. “Northshore is a partner, correct?”

    “Why, yes, we are,” he replied, taken aback by his forwardness. In Ho chuckled nervously to break the silence that fell between them. 

    “As I said, he’s extremely anxious to get back to work.”

    “I completely understand. Once you start, the medical staff will get you your schedule and make sure you’re situated. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to contact your academic advisor or even drop by the main office,” he said, clambering to his feet to offer Jung In his hand. He stood slowly, glancing at his uncle once before bidding the Dean farewell and leaving the room. In Ho lingered behind, trading pleasantries while he waited in the hall, and made sure to give his nephew a disappointed look the instant the door was shut firmly behind him.

    “You don’t have to be so much like your brother, you know? Just because you have the same face doesn’t mean you have to share his attitude.”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was pleasant,” he said, falling instep with the older man as they headed down the short, carpeted hallway towards the elevators. 

    “Of course you were. Staring out the window while he was talking to you? Really, Jung In?” he asked. Jung In kept his eyes on the floor, wholly unused to the feeling of being scolded. He remembered little of his childhood, most of his prepubescent memories having been replaced, and the more he spoke to his uncle the more painful their absence became. 

    “Is it my fault that I was committing the sky to memory?” he asked, his voice dropping to a soft whisper. In Ho instantly regretted his teasing as he stepped into the lift beside him. He had to remember that Jung In and Daniel weren’t the same person. That he didn’t know him as well as he knew his little brother. He’d spent the last ten years of his life raising Daniel–or at the very least trying to raise Daniel–and that, while he’d given his little brother the best life possible, Jung In didn’t have a life at all. He hadn’t told them much about his capture, but there was no doubt in his mind that Chang had treated the boy like an animal. It was apparent just by looking at him. The way he talked, even the way he moved was reminiscent of a dog who’d been kicked just one too many times. And it broke his heart. 

    “No, Jung In. It isn’t your fault,” he said, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Are you sure you want to go through with this? We don’t have any expectations of you, son. It’s alright to get your life back on track before deciding what you want to do with it.” 

    “I’m positive,” he said with conviction. He looked up at his uncle. “Besides, who’s going to help them if not me?” he asked. 

    “The police. You don’t have to assume all of the responsibility here. Let someone else worry about this.”

    “And who worried about it when I was in their shoes?” That shut him up. In Ho fiddled with his phone and wallet in his pockets, relieved when the elevator finally dinged and the doors slid open. He had a point. Just like his brother, he always had a goddamn point. The police were no match for Chang’s organization, not with the amount of money he was known to throw around. The rotten bastard was in jail as they spoke, and yet Paragon was still a global powerhouse that continued to ruin who knows how many lives. From his limited research he found that more and more people fitting his nephews profile were coming up missing every single day. Snatched off the streets. Children that never made it home from school…Just like him. And when Jung In was in their grasp, not even he and In Sang had the clout to go against them. No. They’d simply pretended that he didn’t exist. “You don’t have to worry. I don’t blame you for anything,” he said, leading them through the front doors and into the visitors parking lot. The confused look on his uncles face made him smile. “I’m psychic, remember?”

    “How could I forget?” In Ho said then sighed. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to do this? This is undercover work, Jung In, and you’re not exactly—”

    “Normal?” He cut him off. 

    “That’s not what I meant.”

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Please excuse the slow updates! I try to make sure each chapter is looked at by a professional editor before it's posted and my editor was on holiday. T_T


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gnoboange #1
Chapter 7: Updates?
Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 7: I hope her ex dies
743 streak #3
Chapter 6: Uh-oh, her ex is going to be major trouble. I hope he doesn't try to hurt her once he sees Henri. Something tells me the creep knows where she lives, too. Interesting that Henri's words about not being able to control himself went right over her head. lol
RussianDoll #4
Woohoo i finally have the time to read the sequel! Looking forward to it
743 streak #5
Chapter 5: Sorry I'm late to the party, finally got caught up. I think I'm enjoying Henri's story even more than Daniel's if that's possible. He, and Alice seem to have more depth, and I like that you're slowly revealing little bits, and pieces of their lives without giving too much away.
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 5: Can wait for the next chapter
Chapter 4: Ooooooh that last I sense a future lover LMBOOOOOOO!

She is seriously seriously hard to get along with. But, for someo reason I can see myself in Alice. I'm also going into her career field and my personality can be quite sharp like hers. Maybe not as extreme tho.....I can't be willfully mean and judgmental like her LOOOOL

Yessssssss! I can now read the sequel! I'm so stoked!